GLF Schools

GLF Schools

GLF Schools was founded in 2012 in order to enable the federation of Glyn School (an academy in 2011) and Danetree Junior School. Together, we began our journey to become a MAT of more than 1000 talented staff working with over 10,000 children in 40 schools across 5 regions in southern England.

Our Schools

Banbury Region

Banstead Region

Berkshire & Hampshire Region

Caterham Region

Crawley Region

Didcot Region

Epsom Region

London Boroughs

Redhill Region

Sunbury & Camberley Region

Welcome to the Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

As a parent or carer of a child at the school you are automatically a member of our Parent Teacher Association.

The PTA is your association for your community. We are friendly, inclusive and proud of our school community. We’d love you to join us on our mission!

What is the PTA?  

A small charity that is independent from the school.  An open community of parent and carer volunteers on a mission to support our school and enhance the school experience for our children. 

How does the PTA benefit you, your child and the school? 


Who are we? 

We are a small team of Parents/ Carers and we are all volunteers. We meet half-termly and sometimes more often in school or online. The committee is in charge of the day-to-day management, it usually includes a Chair, a treasurer and a Secretary. PTA members organize, run events and liaise with the school. Each person is as involved as they wish/can.  

What do we do? 

Our main aim is to run FUNraising events for your children, and also for you to enjoy, while raising money for the school. 

We run the following main events: 

  • Discos (Halloween, Spring, Summer
  • Christmas Fair with Santa's very own grotto
  • Summer fair
  • Personalized Christmas cards
  • Ice cream and cake sales 
  • Nearly new uniform sale 

In the past we have also run parent quiz nights, and fundraised through different initiatives such as easyfundraising. We continuously check which events provide the most fun and funds. We also love to launch new events, a few are in discussion as we speak, so more exciting news to look forward to! 

How are the funds used? 

Over the years, our PTA has funded or subsidized: 

  • Computers, tablets
  • Picnic benches 
  • Playground equipment 
  • Trip to the theatre to see a Christmas panto 
  • Pantomime coming in school 
  • Bikeability 
  • School outings 

These are things that without the PTA events and parent/carer’s support the school would struggle to afford. 

“How can I help? Do I have to commit? How much time is required?” 

Each member contributes in different ways. Some can only attend the meetings, which is great help to discuss ideas, share insights and get organizing. Some can only give time on weekends or evenings while others have more time to organize and run an event. 

There is always something a member can do which will make a difference, however much/little time they have. 

You are most welcome to join the active group, have a chat or simply ask questions. We are very friendly bunch! 

We know the main reasons why parents don’t become active in the PTA! 

  • Parents don’t have enough time 
  • Parents don’t know what their getting involved in 
  • Parents don’t feel they have the right skills 
  • Parents simply don’t know how to get involved 

If every parent gave us 1 hour of their time a year we estimate we would have over 600 hours of help!  



Here are different ways you can contribute: 

  • Come to meetings to help discuss ideas and organize next steps – 1.5 hours 
  • ​Volunteer for specific events (posted on ptaevents) – 1 hour 
  • Share ideas for new events or provide feedback on past ones 
  • Take on a task, e.g write newsletter content, create posters, create events in ptaevents platform, social media posting, etc. 
  • Take leadership for an event – this does not mean you are on your own, a few other members can help you organize. This could be running a disco, creating the Christmas cards, selling ice creams after school in summer, etc. 
  • Taking on organizing a stall for a fair: you could be in charge of organizing refreshments, jazzy jars, tombola, contacting potential sponsors and third party stalls.  
  • And more, just ask or suggest!



To volunteer: 

Feel free to contact us on, leave a message at the school office or speak to us in the playground.  

For specific PTA events:

Our one-stop-shop for purchasing tickets for paying events such as discos and santa’s grotto. This is also the place where you can volunteer for a specific event. For events we offer 1-hour slots for parents to volunteer. Of course you can volunteer for more than one hour if you wish

PTA Events 

Thumbnail Santa's Grotto

Try easyfundraising before you sign up! We'll guide you every step of the way to raise your first donation for Greenway Academy PTA - Horsham.

Easy Fundraising